Monthly Archives: May 2018

Institute Nurse

To the birth of Just Born, it exists a series of cares and procedures to be trod, as aspiration, maintenance of body temperature, cares with the umbilical lace, among others that they are of responsibility of the professional of Health. This research searched to identify in the professionals, to the accurate accomplishment of the procedures the first hours of life of the just-been born one, in the Institute of Health Elpdio de Almeida-ISEA in the city of Great Campina. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. The sample was of 18 Nurses who exert its activities in the room of childbirths of the institution in study. The data had been collected through a semistructuralized questionnaire, where they had been you deliver and waited the answers. It enters the citizens in study 80% are of the feminine sex and 20% of the masculine sex, the majority are felt affected by the demand of the Maternity in study, 100% defend the application of all the procedures without excluding none and 33% possess experience the sufficient one to act of coherent form. From these findings proposals can be made in order to make possible quarrels for implantation of possible improvements, that have impact in the process of positive results in the assistance to the RN in its first hours of life. Although the innumerable difficulties that the nurse possesss of knowledge and of accomplishment of its work, how much to the paper of the nurse, we can conclude, through the gotten results, who this withholds the paper of intensifier in the care to the RN, it occupies a strategical space and of reference in the team, where easily it is identified by its leadership, work in team and valuation of the different ones to know. The nursing is the art to also take care of and a science whose essence and especificidade is the treatment to the human being, and all the nurses of this maternity, had shown to understand this question perfectly.