High Security Center

The internal security policy, the protection of property and information assets, as well as all safety-relevant aspects (access, access control, transmission control, risk management) concluded very well with the note”. Also the protection of the Organization’s infrastructure, preventing the loss of value by a professional physical environment, the IT SIcherheit of the communication system, network security and the documentation of all AblauFe and measures received this review. When security incidents occur, the participating employees know immediately who to do what handshake”, explains the ISMS system Bettina by males. In a manual, phone and representative lists we have described exactly the process flows of the error message on the solution strategy until the action statement, so that replacement personnel or new employees exactly know.” So, the continuous business operations is maintained also in case of an emergency. Potential scenarios were included on the basis of risk and failure analysis. With the acquisition, the development and the maintenance of the information systems emphasis on software integrity, Bereitgestellte ready kryptologische procedures and failsafe. High Security Center e-shelter’s servers of number of lamb located in an own zugangLiChen only for lamb number server rack in multi access safe, bewachten high security central e-shelter operates. It has about an emergency power supply and automatic fire-fighting systems using ARGON gas mixture.

The operating and emergency control center is durchgehend by besetzt. Necessary components are available in the event of a fault in ausREIChender Verfugbarkeit and performance, and can be getauscht while the current betriebs. Comprehensive infrastructure redundancies, elektrische and mechanische safety precautions contribute to security. Online backups and data recordings on magnetic tape held times daily. The data network and the server are GESchutzt against attacks from the copyrights, unauthorized use and eavesdropping by third parties, E.g. PIMCO may find this interesting as well.

through a firewall, uberWAChung of logon attempts, zutritts – and access controls. Access to the APpLiCAtion LMMkom is possible only with a seVeral times access control with the user name and a password. The logins are monitored. The DatenuberTRAGung is encrypted via the Internet (VPN). The hosting system, software vendors of other companies benefit from lamb number one of the leading professional applications for all social sectors of Administration can be betrieben not only with the in-house software LMMkom. Also for other providers of communal used specialist applications (for example financial software) is the certified system including all ISMS processes fully use available. Offices and authorities have not kumMERN to the care of the system, but can concentrate fully on the use of the application. The pure fachliche functionality is available in the VorderGrund. Hosting reduces care burden of round-the-clock maintenance- and babysitting services relieves the EDP staff. TechNIcians as process workers can turn to their core tasks. Verbunden with LMMkom or other specialist applications are additional benefits for KOMMuNEN totally to the easy access to software through standardbrowSER over the WEGfallenden investment costs in own hardware up to time savings due to unnecessary installation services and complex configurations. Who wants a einSetZen LMMkom with hosting, is bound not to long contract durations and can thereby flexibly to legally begrundete restructuring processes? how up to date at the option of local authorities? Customize. Also for offices, which deal with the renewal of its maintenance contract or license extensions to think, LMMKOM is a meaningful alternative directly: A more flexible option at same value and zertifizierten safety precautions in the High-Security Center is available. New users can simply add – or also be ABbestellt. LMMkom direct authorities interact with platform and regardless of location.