
Now sold a great many different "poloskalok" for the mouth. How to choose the right tool that will help to attend a dental clinic for routine check-up? All rinse for mouth divided into two groups: protivokarioznye – for teeth and a wide range of anti-inflammatory action. Calcium ions or fluorine, are part of protivokarioznyh improve mineralization of dental tissues, strengthen tooth enamel and protect it from the destructive action of bacteria. Dentists recommend that all patients use antikarioznymi elixir. After all, no one in the world is safe from this unpleasant procedure as treatment caries. Children under six years old can not use dental balms: too great a risk that the baby just swallowed a bright liquid, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

So the kids mouthwash more harm than good. Rinsing should be carried out after brushing. Only then fluoride and calcium can be fixed on the tooth surface and penetrate into the structure of its enamel. Otherwise, bacterial Film alienate these drugs. Calcium and fluoride tooth enamel absorbed at once. Their implementation requires at least 2-2,5 minutes. Hence the conclusion follows: rinse the mouth need a few minutes.

In this case, better balm several times with a force push through his teeth. This technique helps to wash and sides of the teeth. These invisible surface are just the most difficult and therefore most vulnerable to dental caries. Anti elixirs contain substances that affect blood flow and microflora of the mouth. Such conditioners improve blood microcirculation in the tissues of the gums, relieve swelling and have a healing effect. These rinsing is better to use to clean your teeth: they soften the plaque and facilitate its removal. Rinse split also by their concentration. Elixirs. Saturated solutions of plant extracts containing a large percentage of alcohol. They require that dilution with water. Conditioners. Are unconcentrated solution and do not require prior dilution with water. They may also contain alcohol, but the proportion of alcohol in them is negligible and amounts to only 2-3%. In recent years, preference forms, which do not contain alcohol, they can be used by children older than 6 years of age and persons with an allergy to alcohol. Elixirs containing additives Many elixirs contain antiseptic agents. Most often it is triclosan and chlorhexidine. However, using the rinsing with chlorhexidine, one must be very careful. Need to know that this chemical compound acts indiscriminately, killing not only harmful but also helpful bacteria. Such across-the destruction of flora gradually leads to dysbacteriosis mouth. Therefore, the use of chlorhexidine balms only during the acute illness, and even then not more than two weeks. And then need to move to a more innocuous mouthwash. However, these requirements do not apply to mouthwash containing triclosan because it substance acts selectively without causing dysbiosis and it can be used continuously. A separate discussion deserve the iodine-containing conditioners. They are usually prescribed during the acute gingivitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases of the mouth. They clearly are struggling with bacterial and fungal infection. Typically, these funds are assigned to 10-14 days. Innovation in recent years have become dry rinses, which are sold in polyethylene bags. These powders diluted in boiled water before use. The resulting solution is able to draw the pus contained in abscesses and cysts. That is why the dry form is used only during acute purulent processes in the oral cavity. For the systematic use of the same, they do not fit. If we have to use the services of Orthodontics, then rinse your mouth a must, as appropriate tool will recommend treating physician.