A rechargeable battery makes it possible solar energy is saved more and more consumers take power with the help of a solar power system into their own hands. In order to increase domestic consumption and demand solar power can be used to make the ever energy group relies on durable energy storage systems. An average family of four can save up to 300 Euro annually with myself shared solar power. That’s a recent study of the Engineering Office for new energy (IfnE). Therefore, a solar power system covers almost 40 per cent of private energy. Advanced energy storage systems can almost double that proportion.
Long-lasting solar power storage allow complete to provide the clock – more than two-thirds of annual energy -. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. contains valuable tech resources. Therefore, homeowners are to the own, reliable energy supplier. Thus, to relieve the electricity grids, what is the future problems of grid expansion contrary to. Generate solar electricity is a good thing,”explains Dominik Modrach, Managing Director of the ever energy group. More and more customers demand more independence from the utility and want to use the own solar electricity in the evenings.” Therefore they decided after a thorough search for a proven and high-quality energy storage system by Solon, the Europe’s largest solar module manufacturers. This storage device has a balanced price-performance ratio and is designed for domestic consumption. Plant owner can strike a bargain in the future rising electricity prices and demand to consume cheap solar power.
Energy storage system enables consumption demand since April 2012 the EEG amendment sets the legal framework for up to 20 percent consumption. Who feeds the generated solar power not in the public network and itself uses, can save some cents per kilowatt hour in the future. That adds up to several hundred euro per year. The performance of the solar storage devices could improved in recent years and the purchase price will be reduced. The new generation has now reduced power losses and can the energy over several Hours to deploy. The battery charges until the memory is full and then fed into the public grid. by clicking through. The new technology stabilizes the networks and can the power peaks at noon started up. Previously, there was only the way to consume itself produced solar power during the day with household appliances. Power storage allow to use environmentally friendly and cheap energy demand. Another advantage: so not the lights the neighbour sitting during a power outage in the dark, go out the owner of the plant still long. See also: current eeg-einspeiseverguetung / – the current feed-in tariff electricity storage are paying out the IfnE study assumes that the cost savings through the consumption increased to 640 euros per year by 2020 to 990 euros. For this reason the extra investment pays off already after a few years. An ever energy group solar system owners can make free use of solar electricity even from the eleventh year. The Berlin-based energy company offers a unique all-round service, the Includes consulting, planning, financing, installation, taxation and insurance. The best solar concept allows that photovoltaic systems remain viable economies. This is supported by the usage of new power saving. The company is not only a sign of the future viability of photovoltaic, but supports individuals, for power renewable energy at low cost in the coming decades. See also: – heat, electricity – construction,