Tag Archives: countries travel

Czech Republic

Yegor situation is as follows: A person opened a tourist visa for a week for tours with the group in the Czech Republic. By definition (personal) reasons, it can not go. The visa will not be repaid. In the travel agency said that, perhaps we need will terminate at the embassy, and maybe not. Who is aware of how to properly? Would it not be further problems with the Schengen area? fregat222 Do not do anything. Just when will these visits abroad, to indicate that did not go for personal reasons (work, illness, etc.). No problems.

Egor may be afraid that they will give your hands a passport, and she wag itself? I tell them – let you lie down – but as a term will be (week) You give Although no right to detain and even more so suspect in this. Rossa travel agency just revenge, that this woman did not use the ride. They lost money and time and decided not to leave her a visa, and suddenly the truth go away. And his compliments to the Embassy, she expressed, having paid Visa fee. I have 1 or 2 of the Schengen to Italy unused and no one ever asked me questions, why I opened a visa and did not go. It is time to cease to be surprised that in our country there is no predictable situations. It is a pity that such a happened. fregat222 all this nonsense. I have three of the visas were, and I have not ridden on them.