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DEVELOPMENT For Port (2005), the breasts are agencies glandulares pairs, situated in the superior part of the thorax, on the pectoral muscles, height of 3 and 4 susceptible costal arcs the stimulatons neuro hormonal and destined primordially to the milk secretion. Adiposo skin, fabric and mammary glands are constituted of. In its general morphology, the breasts resemble if the glands suroripas, that is is structures tbero acenosa that wolves present 15 a20, distributed radically and separate between if for fabric conjunctive, distributed and radially separate between if for fabric conjunctive dense. As Stevens and Lowe (2002), the feminine breast depends on a variety of hormone for its normal activity, and particularly shows considerable variations structural and functional throughout the life, during the puberty, pregnancy, lactation, the normal menstrual cycle and menopause. This growth regulating hormone also originates the form most common of illness of the breast, that in reason of the abnormal proliferation, is assigned fibrocstica alteration. The carcinoma is the illness most important of the breast is the immediate destination of the cases of mammary cancer of the many forms of illness of the breast, one time that the majority of the illnesses mammary presents as a papvel nodule. Although the true nature of the nodules mammary only can be evaluated by the histolgico examination of the areas of the excisdos nodules, it is possible if to have a good idea of the nature of this nodule before the surgery. The malignant tumors of the feminine breast are extremely common, contributing for 20% of all the malignidade in women, acomete 1 in 10 women (STEVENS; LOWE, 2002). Author according to cited above the factors prognostics can be used in the forecast of supervened in the breast cancer the same one are not an existing only illness to an enormous variation. An enormous variability not supervened after the treatment, the factors related to the prognostic in the breast cancer is clinically important in the measure where it allows aconselhamento of the patients.