If You Have Problems Not Blame Others

Whenever we face problems the major trend is the blame others for our own situation, if we think carefully and with sufficient maturity will observe that every event that we pass is our responsibility. Some believe that there are events that are out of our hands, later we will see that it is possible to have control of everything but that task may take many years. What happens when we believe and affirm that others are to blame for our problems? Serious this is that justifications become a defense mechanism to avoid assuming responsibility for our life. You notice how negative people complain about everything but do nothing to change things, when the predominant thoughts of a person are focused on despair, pain and suffering then begin to experience those things and the worst thing is that they cannot leave them. Every bad experience that we think that there is something within us that we should change it, answer the why? It happened something is extremely complex because it the way that the subconscious mind works not be He has been able to explain with accuracy, but if we know many benefits from it, that is why we must use them. A positive and happiness-oriented person is not that you are not experiencing issues but knows how to get out of them and as it evolves the difficulties occur less frequently. The key to having a control of our life is knowing that each of us creates his own world, Andrew Corentt shows us amazing revelations about the operation of universe in his book I am happy, I am rich. Here we understand because always everything goes to many people well, this happens because so they have scheduled at the subconscious level. If you focuses on love, think about it and practice it, or he sharpens his thinking constantly on that idea, will pass you will reap what you have sown, your life will be filled with experiences full of love, then you have to use all the senses appropriately and you will see results.