Family Educator

The Family Educator works with the family in its own territory, in this vital area of coexistence. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. spoke with conviction. It is the educator who goes to meet his family, what we call home visit. Is this a space (the home) and time (first visit) during which the organization works collective of common life and cognitive stimulation in all areas of learning through experimentation forms of relationship that usually do not occur. The support for the development of daily activities is intended to enable parents to do it themselves, and thereby assume and understand that they must accompany their children during their learning. The activities developed are (Bosch, JM and Sanchis, M., 1999) – The relationship with the community: The relationships and activities are developed in contexts that are standard for a purpose and a means at the same time. It is a purpose for learning potential and are a means for performing the function of mirror between what has been achieved and what needed to be achieved. The relationship with standard frameworks is essential, because we know that new learning entail difficulties, doubts and, very often failures because they involve learning difficulties, doubts and, very often failures because they are very tender structures that need to be strengthened with repeated experiences of success.

Educator in this space has a important role, because it performs the function of supporting new learning these different contexts of speech make up a large number of functions (developed the Educator, and preferably have a preventive character) as follows (Bosch, JM and Sanchis, M. , 1999) – Being foothold in the accompaniment of the process of awareness of the situation itself (self) persons engaged in the family. – Promoting the emotional bonds that encourage changes in the family, through a sincere and honest. – Make an emotional accompaniment of the person, respecting their own experiences. – Enabling the creation of development zones that are close and that create new spaces for learning, ie to provide tools to the family so they can make the right decisions in situations involving a risk slightly higher than at present. – Provide guidelines and educational skills in order to improve relationships between family members and environment. – Encourage the capabilities and resources of each person and family groups, in order to increase their individual and collective self-esteem, and thus help them better integrate into their social environment.