Ligament Health

Don Juan said that the old wizards knew that the human beings, considered like conglomerates of power fields, must their cohesion not to an envelope or to power ligaments, but to a vibration that maintains, at the same time, the union and the life. Don Juan explained that those wizards, thanks to their practices and their discipline, became able to handle that vibratory force, once they took total brings back to consciousness of her. The skill in that handling became so extraordinary, that their actions were transformed into legend, in facts mythological that only existed like fables. For example, one of histories that gift Juan counted on the wizards of the antiquity said that they were able to dissolve his physical mass just by to put the total of his brings back to consciousness and on its attempt in that force. Don Juan affirmed that, although was able to happen through the eye of a needle if they considered it necessary, never got to feel absolutely satisfied with the results with that maneuver of dissolution of their mass.

The reason for its displeased one was that, once the mass had been dissolved, its ability to act disappeared. Only they had left the alternative of being witnesses of facts in which it was impossible to participate to them. The consequent frustration, consequence to be disabled for the action, became, according to gift Juan, the fault would condemn that them: its obsession to discover the nature of that vibratory force, an obsession born from being concrete, caused that they wished to be able to retain and to control that force. Its fervent desire era to obtain that control from one phantasmagoric, devoid condition of physical mass. Something that, according to gift Juan, was impossible to obtain. The medical instructors of our days, cultural heirs of those wizards of the antiquity, chose, once open pie the impossibility to handle the vibratory force from a position makes specific and utilitarian, by the unique rational alternative: to take brings back to consciousness of that force without looking for another intention that the elegance and well-being that the knowledge offers. ” Like conclusion, we will have to understand to ” Nahual” like the teacher of the wizard apprentices and chamanes, the one that he will transmit to these, the lessons picked up during hundreds of generations.