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Ligament Health

Don Juan said that the old wizards knew that the human beings, considered like conglomerates of power fields, must their cohesion not to an envelope or to power ligaments, but to a vibration that maintains, at the same time, the union and the life. Don Juan explained that those wizards, thanks to their practices and their discipline, became able to handle that vibratory force, once they took total brings back to consciousness of her. The skill in that handling became so extraordinary, that their actions were transformed into legend, in facts mythological that only existed like fables. For example, one of histories that gift Juan counted on the wizards of the antiquity said that they were able to dissolve his physical mass just by to put the total of his brings back to consciousness and on its attempt in that force. Don Juan affirmed that, although was able to happen through the eye of a needle if they considered it necessary, never got to feel absolutely satisfied with the results with that maneuver of dissolution of their mass.

The reason for its displeased one was that, once the mass had been dissolved, its ability to act disappeared. Only they had left the alternative of being witnesses of facts in which it was impossible to participate to them. The consequent frustration, consequence to be disabled for the action, became, according to gift Juan, the fault would condemn that them: its obsession to discover the nature of that vibratory force, an obsession born from being concrete, caused that they wished to be able to retain and to control that force. Its fervent desire era to obtain that control from one phantasmagoric, devoid condition of physical mass. Something that, according to gift Juan, was impossible to obtain. The medical instructors of our days, cultural heirs of those wizards of the antiquity, chose, once open pie the impossibility to handle the vibratory force from a position makes specific and utilitarian, by the unique rational alternative: to take brings back to consciousness of that force without looking for another intention that the elegance and well-being that the knowledge offers. ” Like conclusion, we will have to understand to ” Nahual” like the teacher of the wizard apprentices and chamanes, the one that he will transmit to these, the lessons picked up during hundreds of generations.

Psychopedagogical Training

The young ones would only have to attend units/specific centers of Special E. in the cases in which it is essential. Concerning the scholastic context, it must tender to integration in an ordinary scholastic center. It is picked up east principle in the Law of social integration of the handicapped people (1982), in the LOGSE (1990) and the norm elaborated by the different administrations for the development from the mentioned laws. In case of autistas children, the special education (nonspecific in those of more intellectual capacity) or integration can be the best option. But, to be able to integrate these students in an ordinary center, the classroom will have to count on the necessary resources, like for example, classrooms with a limited number of students to be able to dedicate an individual attention to them when therefore it is required. In the present case, it is decided on integration in a specific classroom of special education, in an ordinary center, to obtain that the students feel integrated although, due to their difficulties, can properly be taken care of individual level. Another aspect of relevance is the Interaction with the student: The rate of progress of the people with autismo, TGD, mental delay is different for each from them, can occur to periods of fast advance and periods of regression, etc reason why the development of an empathic relation is absolutely necessary in which the fundamental premise is a good quality of relation. It will be necessary to pay special attention to the signs to use in the proxmicas, variable relation, variables emotional and everything what it can affect negatively in the interaction. High-priority general capacities to affect Both have the age of 7 years, which would correspond to first year of the cycle of Primary Education (from the 6 years of age); Nevertheless, the children of the case have not reached the necessary minimums in order to begin the first cycle of primary Education, reason why, as it anticipates the Law, the decision can be taken to remain a year more in the second cycle of the stage by resolution of the corresponding Provincial Delegation, solicitd by the center, previous report of the tutor, conformity of the family and positive estimation of the Educative and Psychopedagogical Training equipment, with the purpose of to reach the objectives of the stage.

Hard Disk Control

Nowadays, the control of hard disk is one of the main storage devices and the smallest indication of physical damage on the hard disk can put our precious data in danger. Therefore, it is always advised to regularly verify the health of the control. In addition with the purpose of to preserve the control of future damages and to lose the data, it is necessary to look for professional services of recovery hard disk. Situation: Its computer is beginning or are working on its computer, when suddenly an error message appears blocking its access to the control. The error message can be one of the following: Serious write error on the disc? Read error of the disc? Read error of data of the disc? Error of investigation – sector nonfound? Error I/O Explanation: The presented/displayed messages of error above can speak of possible caused damages to the volumes, the data or the storage devices.

They can generally receive one of these messages of errors while they initialize or they use his PC and this event forces to find a solution to him of professional rescue of data of hard disk. Probable causes: These messages of error come most frequent of a serious corruption of the data or physical damages on the hard disk. Resolution: The best form to solve these problems is in the first place to find the cause exact and on the other hand to guarantee to him of the health of the HDD. With the purpose of to verify the health of the hard disk, they try to begin ScanDisk. If the computer is accessible, follows the stages following and tries to begin ScanDisk de Windows: They press TO INITIATE, soon PROGRAMS, soon ACCESSORY, soon they choose TOOLS SYSTEM and they press finally ScanDisk.

They choose the control that wishes to try. They choose Through and they press next TO INITIATE to send to ScanDisk. With the purpose of to initiate to ScanDisk from it invites of control outside Windows, follows the stages following: They try to begin the system in method TWO. They enter the control name invites of control, soon support in ENTRANCE. scandisk it represents the letter of the hard disk that wants to verify. When ScanDisk finishes the initial control, it proposes I scan of the surface of the control. They press YES or they support in ENTRANCE. If ScanDisk does not repair the damaged data or indicates that the HDD was physically damaged, they will have to request the aid of professionals of recovery of HDD. If he is not pertinent to replace the HDD since it implies precious data, to decide on a service of confidence of data retrieval of hard disk is a wise decision. Stellar Data retrieval B.V is a trustworthy borrower of services of software recovery data of hard disk. Thanks to its professional expert work, its technical outposts and their vanguardista service of Quarter of Cleaning CLASS 100, Stellar guarantees a recovery until a 100% of its damaged HDD. From years, the company successfully proposes its services in 10 important European countries.

Psychological Terrorization

medical and psychological Upheavals in other members of the familiar system. Affectation of the affectivity and sexual desire. married Separation. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITARIAN Loss of force of work and active populace. Increase of the economic cost dedicated to labor losses and/or retirements and incapacities. Increase of the economic budget and the stress of the sanitary resources. Increase in the general population of the negative attributions towards the effects of the work Evaluation For the correct diagnosis of a psychological situation of harassment in the work, we do not have to remain solely in valuing its incidence and/or prevalence in the organization; if not that is necessary to realise a causal analysis of the situation, that allows to know the origin the problem and orients the possible solutions to take. To this end, it will be necessary to collect concrete on: Characteristic personal of the worker.

socio-professional History of the person in its present position and positions or previous companies. Analysis and conditions of work of its present position. Succession and frequency of the traumatic events origin of the problem. physical, psychological, familiar and social the consequences. Any other data that we consider of interest in order to clarify the problem.

the use of questionnaires and the adjustment to the established criteria (for example in the Inventive Leymann and of Psychological Terrorization), will provide criteria to us additional diagnoses. Prevention Never as until now it had been perceived to the work like pathology source. The tactics used in the harassment psychological in the work consist of wearing away psychologically to the employee until obtaining that it is autoexcluya. The victim is deteriorated itself professional and psychologically until losing her capacity of self-esteem, soon falls in the psychosomatic depression, diseases, insomnia, alcoholism and, even, the suicide.