Package Sounding

– To cut esparadrapo for setting and to mark the sounding lead. – To measure the sounding lead of the wing of the nose to the lobe of the ear. – To more measure of the lobe of the ear until the appendix xifide 2cm; to mark with esparadrapo. – To lubricate the sounding lead with topical local anaesthetic with gauze aid. – To introduce the sounding lead without forcing slowly. – Flectir the head of the patient front when the sounding lead to exceed the obstacle of the nasofarngea wall.

– To ask for to the patient to deglutir and to breathe deeply, while the sounding lead is introduced delicately until the mark of esparadrapo. – To verify if the sounding lead is in the stomach through the following procedures: to place the estetoscpio below of the appendix xifide, to introduce 10ml of air for the sounding lead with aid of the syringe. – To fix the sounding lead with esparadrapo, without compressing the marina, in way that is insurance. – To in sequence leave the comfortable patient and the unit. – To keep the material. – To wash the hands. – To write down in the lapsing of the patient; schedule; number of the sounding lead and the reactions. Gavagem Gavagem is the food introduction through a nasogstrica sounding lead.

The objectivo of the gavagem is to feed patient unconscious or disabled of feeding itself for it saw verbal. Used material for the gavagem – Syringe of 20ml – Package of gauze – Cup with water – Receiving for garbage – Estetoscpio – Receiving with foods – Ball of cotton with alcohol. Techniques of nursing in the gavagem – To wash the hands – To prepare the material – To guide the patient on the procedure – To raise the headboard of the bed, if will not have contraindication – To verify if the sounding lead is in in agreement stomach the technique of nasogstrica sounding.