
Being attentive in the form in which we interrelacionamos in the different scenarios where we act and with the various roles in which we desempenarnos, we must know to properly manage our emotions, energy, in order to not give way to stress, everything what we desarmonice, generate us tension, fatigue, affect our emotional balance, le pass-through effects occurring nel or physical and the psychic. We must properly handle the stimuli, everything that us unbalanced and help us to overcome it. Us recuerdAlonso Gaeta, from 1935, Hans Selye, (considered the father of stress) introduced the concept of stress as a syndrome or set of physiological reactions not specific organism to different harmful agents in the environment from physical or chemical nature. Stress (stress) is a phenomenon that occurs when the demands of life are perceived to be too difficult. The person feels anxious and tense and perceives the heart beat faster. Stress is what one note when he reacts to pressure, either in the world outside is inside oneself. Stress is a normal reaction of the lives of people of any age. It is produced by the instinct of the body protect physical or emotional pressures or, in extreme situations, the danger.

Stress is the body’s response to external conditions that disrupt the emotional balance of the person. Learn more on the subject from Cancer Research UK. The physiological result of this process is a desire to escape from the situation that causes it or confront it violently. This reaction involves almost all the organs and functions of the body, including the brain, nerves, heart, blood flow, the hormonal level, digestion and muscle function. Stress is a stimulus that assaults us emotional or physically. If the danger is real or perceived as such, the result is the same. It usually causes tension, anxiety, and various physiological reactions.Not us dede misnamed therefore that indicated us, that there are infinite manifestations of stress, as many as people.