Tag Archives: children

The Phase

If the voltage goes beyond 205 235 volts, there are significant changes in his harsh, noticeable flashing sources light, but its value in the phase remains in the range 195 245 volts, in this situation, install the stabilizers is highly desirable for all power consumers, and for the light source is required. Swarmed by offers, Kevin P. Campbell, PhD is currently assessing future choices. The supply voltage can be arbitrarily long below 195 volts or above 245 volts, while during the day stress level can be changed repeatedly from the minimum to maximum. In such a network without a voltage regulator to use electrical appliances can not burn them – a matter of time and luck. A separate issue to combat the phenomenon as a flashing light because of voltage fluctuations. The fact that the human eye sees light with a sharp change in the vibration voltage by only 1% of the time 0,02 sec. Provide such a reaction rate of the stabilizer is not easy, so the voltage swings are not fully protect even precision stabilizer, are to be found guilty flashing light. Perhaps it is a bad contact, but most of these problems creates welding. Decided on the acquisition of voltage stabilizers, in principle, can proceed to the next stage – that is, how much to buy, what features and where to put.

It should answer at least the following four questions: 1. necessarily phase stabilizer, or you can do one phase? 2. What power you must select the stabilizer or stabilizers? 3. What temperature and humidity in the room where you plan to install them? 4. In some modes of operation of the stabilizers may issue a noticeable noise, would not it bother you? The first question may disappear by itself when entering a house, apartment or office-phase and three phase consumers may not be included in such a network. If the input phase, it is necessary to clarify the presence of the load, requiring a three-phase connection or the possibility of such in the near future.

The presence of three-phase load requires the installation of three-phase stabilizer. The second question is important from a technical and financial point of view. Underreporting of power will further limit the connection of electrical devices and cause congestion stabilizers, and an unjustified overstatement will cause unnecessary costs. There are two extreme options – a voltage can be delivered individually to each power consumers, and you can set a common regulator for all. The first option is expensive and inconvenient for practical use. The second option is more preferable, power stabilizer is needed is less than the total capacity of power consumers, since they never occur simultaneously lit, but it requires the correct determination of the computational load. It can make only a specialist. In determining the capacity of the stabilizer should always be borne in mind that many of the appliances, especially electric motors, at the time of launching and receiving load consumes current from the network is several times greater than in the steady mode. Conditions of installation are important, since the stabilizers are always specifies the conditions for operation in temperature and humidity. Noise of stabilizers, if not protected from it, may be annoying, even if it is not strong. Once again, we emphasize that all of the above – only general recommendations, in life there are difficult problems, their rational decision without the involvement of professionals is impossible.

Fitness at Work

Sits on us as we see our fitness in the work that we do and at the time that we the ability to maintain quality relationships with others. It is, therefore, a feeling that is generated in our interior and whose development we are responsible. You will tells us, that to be able to feel that others believe in us we have us be the first to know us valid. It is impossible to believe that others trust us if we ourselves do not, because the trust is never given out. If there is no internal balance we will think that support, the applause or the admiration we offer to encourage us, save the forms or, in the majority of occasions, because we don’t really know and remain in the image that we are projecting them, in other words, we believe that we are cheating them.

This is because We do tasks with an eye to others, waiting for his approval and blessing, without an inner conviction. In the absence of a personal guide that guide us in achieving our goal, or our life project, the effort that we must make is much higher, and far from enhancing our skills, weakens and destroys trust in ourselves, and thereby self-esteem. Why? To have a good self-esteem we must be convinced that we are fit for the life we have chosen to take. In short, it is very important that Venezuelan management fully identifies with the fortress, that of know it grown, handled properly, will ensure more solutions than problems. They will help their management is positive and that it may lead to company transiting by the scenes where acts with the guarantee of achieving favorable results. Therefore, should be supported in their trust, which provides security in his act, it reaffirms its leadership and allows that his followers thanks to her performance, participation, knowledge, strength and security, deposit you that confidence to engage in all those tasks that guarantee results., environment-empresarial.