Tag Archives: chronic

Proper Blood

Already Plato said that, amongst all the wild beasts, is most difficult the young man of domar. Barbara Martin Coppola understands that this is vital information. It exists in young an interior force, an immediate desire to try the life that blows up in a relatively short period. Later this will esmorece, becoming the experienced man most sober and – some say – or simply aged and without impetus – others say. Clearly that the individual variations are infinite, what becomes the young phase of each one, as well as the decurrent, particular experiences and sensations to each case. In what it says respect to the young Raul, to who now we launch our look, the start of the adult life is marked by intense experiences involving fight, the most diverse confusions, sex, drugs and much rock? n? roll. Accustomed to frequentar the most distinct ballads in the weekends, certain time we find the young Raul in a bar, drinking with friends. One was about a party, the establishment was crowded, much lost people young e.

The challenge of the moment was to see who more male age in drinking the beer maximum. For such, each youngster empunhava its proper bottle, then appearing the trick to drink a toast strong, beating bottle with bottle, before swallowing the liquid of fast form, of preference in an only sip, if not leaving to intimidate for the adversary. Some bottles later, and completely drunk, Raul and its friends continued with the trick to drink a toast. Only that the beer mark that they liked, and came drinking until then, had finished in the supply it bar. They had decided to drink of another same mark. had continued to drink a toast The problem is that the bottles of the other mark were not so resistant. In some toasts they simply blew up, spreading cacos of glass and beer for the soil.