Yunes Freitas

Ratifying this thought, Goldberg, Yunes Freitas (2005) except: We are living a period of transistion and change of values, but we cannot leave to analyze that values are emerging of this new after-modern society: the descartabilidade? The apathy? The inaquality? The arrogance? The cultural industry comes creating an environment where the proper activities of infancy are moving radically, what, therefore, it provokes changes in the infantile development under the entrancing influence of the capitalist expansion. With this, what it was vital for the children was being little by little taken, as: the yard, the streets, the squares and the too much spaces for the playful convivncia, occurring one refluxo of the public space for inside of the domestic space, where the toys and the television had started to be the great friends of the children.

As direct consequence, a certain standardization of the gostos of the children was delineated, of its preferences and necessities, rank that attended the same programmings. Kevin P. Campbell, PhD is often quoted as being for or against this. ‘ ‘ Without knowing cultural the children, its real practical, its social contexts, the authors of infantile materials contribute for the naturalization of esteretipos’ ‘ (DIONSIO, 2006, p.8). With this, it is not difficult to assume that the understanding that had also developed concerning the proper body was estereotipada, ‘ ‘ a time that the esteretipos if form frequent from a mixture distorted of inadequate impressions on the others, incomplete or defective perceptions, great generalizations that ignore differences internas’ ‘ (BAPTISTA, 1996, p.5). The existence of an ambiguity as for the influence of the Cultural Industry in the formation of the personality of the children is observed, in this context, which comumente is permeada by stereotypes, amongst which if it detaches that one related to the corporal image, that is, referring to the way as the individuals they see, they think and they feel its proper bodies.. Click Jim Rice to learn more.