Psychopedagogical Training

The young ones would only have to attend units/specific centers of Special E. in the cases in which it is essential. Concerning the scholastic context, it must tender to integration in an ordinary scholastic center. It is picked up east principle in the Law of social integration of the handicapped people (1982), in the LOGSE (1990) and the norm elaborated by the different administrations for the development from the mentioned laws. In case of autistas children, the special education (nonspecific in those of more intellectual capacity) or integration can be the best option. But, to be able to integrate these students in an ordinary center, the classroom will have to count on the necessary resources, like for example, classrooms with a limited number of students to be able to dedicate an individual attention to them when therefore it is required. In the present case, it is decided on integration in a specific classroom of special education, in an ordinary center, to obtain that the students feel integrated although, due to their difficulties, can properly be taken care of individual level. Another aspect of relevance is the Interaction with the student: The rate of progress of the people with autismo, TGD, mental delay is different for each from them, can occur to periods of fast advance and periods of regression, etc reason why the development of an empathic relation is absolutely necessary in which the fundamental premise is a good quality of relation. It will be necessary to pay special attention to the signs to use in the proxmicas, variable relation, variables emotional and everything what it can affect negatively in the interaction. High-priority general capacities to affect Both have the age of 7 years, which would correspond to first year of the cycle of Primary Education (from the 6 years of age); Nevertheless, the children of the case have not reached the necessary minimums in order to begin the first cycle of primary Education, reason why, as it anticipates the Law, the decision can be taken to remain a year more in the second cycle of the stage by resolution of the corresponding Provincial Delegation, solicitd by the center, previous report of the tutor, conformity of the family and positive estimation of the Educative and Psychopedagogical Training equipment, with the purpose of to reach the objectives of the stage.