The Benefits Of Fiber In Our Diet

We all know that there are certain types of nutrients or certain types of food that we have in our body to help it function properly and make us feel good and be healthy.I’m going to talk about a specific topic of nutrition is very important and that is the fiber.Fiber is found in many of our everyday foods.It is the structural part of the plant.You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.The average person should eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.I’m going to assume that many of us are very poor when it comes to our consumption of fiber. Different fiber types have different effects on our body, so it is important for us to obtain the fiber from a variety of sources.In this way we can be sure that we get all the benefits that are available to us.Actually, there are two main types of fiber.They are water soluble and water insoluble fiber.Each of these are found in different types of food. Let’s start with the soluble fiber in water.You can find in apples and oranges, carrots, potatoes, beans, oats and barley.What this does is that the fiber delay time that takes him to the food pass through our system.This can make us feel satisfied for longer and therefore can be very important when it comes to losing weight.A second advantage of this fiber is that it reduces the absorption of glucose from our blood.That it helps us to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood in our bodies. Now we can talk a little about the other type of fiber water-insoluble fiber.You can find this in vegetables, wheat, corn, rice and whole grains most of this type of fiber help to accelerate the transfer of food by the intestines and also traps water.This makes it very useful to prevent constipation. So, how we can get more fiber in our diet?That I should eat whole fruits with inedible.Eat a variety of whole vegetables or cooked or raw.In the case of use 100% whole grain, bread muffins breads or crackers English rather than the facts with white flour.That doesn’t sound much like us have always said?Eat fruits and vegetables if you want to read something more interesting I invite you to visit my page down the fat.