Tag Archives: health

Recurrent Cystitis

Cranberry extract and antibiotic compared bladder infections and be derived from urinary tract meet each and are often very painful and uncomfortable. If left untreated it can rise and cause damage to the kidneys. Women are most frequently affected by bladder infections. This is due to the anatomical conditions in the urogenital tract of the woman and the short urethra, through which the pathogen easily can Ascend, to establish itself in the lining of the bladder. This set the Agent prevents usually an intact immune system and a strong bladder mucosa. But not always. Then, the recurrent bladder infections can arise, bedeviling the persons concerned on a regular basis. It is very often the only help in the long-term use of antibiotics.

That is very unpopular at most for a variety of reasons. Therefore many possible natural alternatives search. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. is a great source of information. There is an alternative in nature. Researchers have found that the American relatives of our local cranberries is a fabric “containing the docking” of the bacteria in the lining of the bladder can effectively suppress. This Cranberry referred to Cranberry extracts have proved very effective in women with recurrent bladder infections in clinical trials. The number of infections was significantly reduced in these women. The question, however, is whether Cranberry extract is equally effective as an antibiotic. These doctors from the United Kingdom presented recently a study, which concerns precisely this question.

They treated extract women with recurrent cystitis comparing with an antibiotic as well as Cranberry. The antibiotic therapy was only slightly more effective than the use of cranberry extract. For the cranberry extract was better tolerated. Patients with recurrent cystitis can choose according to the results of the study of a natural product, which is effective, not the risks of antibiotic therapy. UroVitum chew/suck chewable tablets are specially designed for the additional dietary treatment of recurrent Urinary tract infections (cystitis) women have been developed. They are based on studies for the treatment of urinary tract infections and contain 350 mg Cranberry concentrate per chew/suck tablet. The chewing / sucking tablets are equipped with savory cranberry aroma and pleasant to eat. That makes them so unique compared to the very sour cranberry juice. The tablets are clearly preferred by patients because they taste just fine. UroVitum offers the chance to get rid of the annoying urinary tract infections. In the studies of cranberry extract is a revenue period of several years. UroVitum (PZN 0765808) is available to 24.90 in pharmacies or good health centers for a month. Packs for 3 and 6 months are also available. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Each pharmacy and Health Center can refer to the shipping of UroVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. Orders can be sent also by those affected directly by E-mail at. The shipping is free of charge. Source: McMurdo ME et al. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2009; 63(2): 389-95 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Cyber Knife

However, treatment of the “Gamma Knife” requires the application of the stereotactic frame in the form of helmet to lock the head for precise beam pointing at the tumor. Radiological treatment the principle of radiosurgery can also be performed at accelerators linac, X-Knife, SynergyS, Trilogy, Novalis, Syclotron etc. However, it is “Cyber Knife” made a real revolution in the field of radiation treatment of tumors! “Cyber-knife (CyberKnife), or “spatial scalpel, is considered the most advanced and innovative system for the radiosurgical treatment. The system was developed in 1992 a professor at Stanford University (USA) John Adler to overcome existing shortcomings of existing systems radiosurgery. In particular, the device “Cyber Knife” was embodied two revolutionary innovation – a system of control over the image and the robotic “arm” with an essentially new level of maneuverability.

In 1999, began treatment of the “Cyber Knife” head and neck tumors, and since 2003, is the treatment of tumors of any localization. How does the work and the “Cyber Knife” Cyber Knife “- is a lightweight linear accelerator, located on the robot console, which has six degrees of freedom and providing a 1200 position of the beam irradiation. Radiation beam output from the mobile polyarthric “arm” that allows him to direct almost any “target” – a tumor in the patient’s body. The position of the tumor is automatically tracked in relation to a display in real time the bone structures of the patient (bone formation are coordinate system) or rentgenkontrastnym labels. With the help of modern software “Cyber Knife” during irradiation controls the localization of the tumor, which can vary due to movement of the patient at breathing.

Food Supplements

Enzymes: This remedy serves as a dietary supplement especially to replace the enzymes lost in preparing a meal. Enzymes are important for the metabolism function properly and stomach and intestines stay healthy and fit; There are uncountably many enzymes, which all together have the task to maintain the organism. Enzymes are necessary because they split the recorded food in a so-called preliminary digestion. (Source: Rick Yune). Should the food not enough split have been be, this is one of the main causes of diseases and disorders of the pancreas. Omega fatty acids: this Omega fatty acids, there are several different, of which three in food supplements are used: Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 Omega 3 is the so-called Alpha-linoleic acid (AFA). It is helpful against diabetes II and good for brain, heart and stiffened blood vessels. Is linoleic acid Omega 6 and Omega 9 is oleic acid. The Food supplement that is made from these three fatty acids, is a soft gel capsule, which can be consumed due to lack of allergens like gluten, artificial colourings and sweeteners or dairy products by vegetarians without hesitation.

Garlic: It is an old, all known tools against heart and circulatory problems and to reduce cholesterol levels. Also the stimulation of the immune system and the bacteria-inhibitory effects are undoubtedly follow the ingestion of garlic. However, there is also always the problem of the smell from the consumption of garlic. Thanks to food supplements, this problem is no longer notable, because the smell in the processing of garlic seasoned over time completely disappears can be so even after taking food supplements on garlic base still among people. Chrome: The essential mineral chromium is able to utilize insulin and thus to keep the blood sugar levels stable. It can also stop storing fat. You have to little chromium in the body that can to Result in reduced metabolism of amino acids, glucose intolerance, fatigue and fears. Is the intake of food supplements dangerous? As means to supplement natural consist only of herbal ingredients, you can be sure that the intake is not dangerous; especially when one considers the recommendation included in the leaflet. Alive and well through the winter with food supplements based on natural, this is no longer a problem! Carmen Reinlein werk26

Louise Hay

From the perspective of the relationship between visiting us diseases and mental state rather interesting works of Louise Hay, in which, inter alia, the table contains the relationship of internal diseases and psychological blocks. Let me give an example of a small part: "Neck – the personification of flexibility, stubbornness, unwillingness to consider the issue from different perspectives. Lower spin department – the fear of having money, lack of financial support Average – guilt, inability to put the past behind, desire to be alone. Top – the lack of emotional support, restraining the senses. Spine – rod, a vital prop. Shoulders – the ability to be happy to endure life's circumstances, to take responsibility. Legs – carry us through life. Learn more at: Newcastle University.

Thigh – maintains the balance, they are the main load in forward (disease mean fear to move forward in addressing the major issues, the lack of objective motion fear of the future, the reluctance to move). Throat – a way of expression, channel of creativity. Diseases of the throat meant pent-up anger, inability to express themselves, speak up. Inhibited creative activity, reluctance to change itself (by the way, the chakra (Misha, I forgot the name) with the projection in the throat is responsible for these functions). Respiratory diseases – fear or reluctance to absorb life freely.

Eye diseases – reluctance to see what happens in life, children – in the family. "Of course, everything in life be skeptical, but now I suddenly remembered well The popular expression that applies most often at the end of some particularly important or difficult Affairs: "Gore has fallen from his shoulders." Quite a topic I remembered and put collar on his neck "and" behind my back grew wings. " All of this suggests that the wait for manifestation of any disease, in general, then, do not want. All long known that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Good assistant in maintaining their own mental and physical health is the Teles-oriented dance. The most attractive about him is that no abilities are required. It's very simple – live, dance. The fact that you can dance to almost everything: joy, love, resentment, jealousy, anger, bright sadness, tenderness, flirt Everything you need, all that you allow your imagination. An experienced trainer will exercise and how to open their own femininity, masculinity, sexuality, will help realize your personal, has become a habitual driving experience. In addition, gait, posture and even habitual posture, we learn to understand and feel close to us humans. And there is another important factor, Teles-based, dance will give you a safe space for the processing of emotions (and, in the first turn negative), which is certainly better than "pouring" of emotions on these relatives, loved ones (and sometimes children) who were the first victims of our dissatisfaction with them. Give the world your smile. Dance

Mobile Telephony

As Japan experts is usually two years ahead in mobile technology, coming to Japan is seeing the future of telephony in the rest of the world. Dean Ornish M.D may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This I could see it a little more than 5 months to travel to Japan for work, although after I could the luxury of giving a few walks in the beautiful places in Kyoto and Tokyo, but returning to the subject of the telefonocia in Asia, I’ve noticed account as the functionalities of the phone that I bought for 1 yen still has not reached Europe or Latin America, but new features are iran copiando and spreading through the rest of the world within several months later, tenganlo assured that so it will be. In other words I can go to Europe with my mobile of bought two years ago in Japan and show off in front of the friends that I have the latest technology mobile, for example the Blackberry Curve 9300, East Japan months ago is one like Oldsmobile with all the same features and design, i.e. in Japan is with the last in technology. Go ahead in technology base, in the advanced communications network, in functionality, in competition, at terminals and especially in application usability. The funny thing is that most of the things which on other sides refers to, here are implemented and become a phenomenon in a very short time.

For example watching TV on your mobile phone or do video conferencing is something normal that is not going to cost an eye of the face. Surf the Internet also is, and more since most of the terminals are including Flash Player by default (for iPhone I think that they are still deciding whether to include it by default or not). More than 50% of access to Youtube in the world are from Japan, where teenagers are hooked to watch videos via their mobile phones. And all this at reasonable prices! For example, with KDDI AU one flat rate data I think that it is now around 4,000 yen (25 euros) a month, in the case of Docomo 5,985 yen. You can see the big difference between talking about something and implement it? Author original and source of the article

Urinary Tract Infections

A natural fruit concentrate in chewable tablets can help bladder infections and be derived from urinary tract meet each and are often very painful and uncomfortable. If left untreated it can rise and cause damage to the kidneys. Women are most frequently affected by urinary tract infections and cystitis. This is due to the anatomical conditions in the urogenital tract of the woman and the short urethra, through which the pathogen easily can Ascend, to establish itself in the lining of the bladder. This set the Agent prevents usually an intact immune system and a strong bladder mucosa. But not always. The frequently recurring bladder infections can occur.

“Researchers have found that the American relatives of our local Cranberries contain a substance, the docking” of the bacteria in the lining of the bladder can effectively suppress. This Cranberry referred to Cranberry extracts have in clinical trials as a very effective in women with recurrent cystitis and urinary tract infections proved to be. The number of infections was significantly reduced in these women. UroVitum chew/suck chewable tablets are designed for the complementary treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections (cystitis) women. They are based on clinical studies for the treatment of urinary tract infections and contain 350 mg Cranberry concentrate per chew/suck tablet. The chewing / sucking tablets are equipped with savory cranberry aroma and pleasant to eat. That makes them so unique compared to the very sour cranberry juice. The tablets are clearly preferred by patients because they taste just good and fast work.

UroVitum offers the chance to get rid of the annoying urinary tract infections. In the studies is a revenue period of years. UroVitum (PZN 0765808) is available to 24.90 in pharmacies or good health centers for a month. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable.

The Benefits Of Fiber In Our Diet

We all know that there are certain types of nutrients or certain types of food that we have in our body to help it function properly and make us feel good and be healthy.I’m going to talk about a specific topic of nutrition is very important and that is the fiber.Fiber is found in many of our everyday foods.It is the structural part of the plant.You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.The average person should eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.I’m going to assume that many of us are very poor when it comes to our consumption of fiber. Different fiber types have different effects on our body, so it is important for us to obtain the fiber from a variety of sources.In this way we can be sure that we get all the benefits that are available to us.Actually, there are two main types of fiber.They are water soluble and water insoluble fiber.Each of these are found in different types of food. Let’s start with the soluble fiber in water.You can find in apples and oranges, carrots, potatoes, beans, oats and barley.What this does is that the fiber delay time that takes him to the food pass through our system.This can make us feel satisfied for longer and therefore can be very important when it comes to losing weight.A second advantage of this fiber is that it reduces the absorption of glucose from our blood.That it helps us to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood in our bodies. Now we can talk a little about the other type of fiber water-insoluble fiber.You can find this in vegetables, wheat, corn, rice and whole grains most of this type of fiber help to accelerate the transfer of food by the intestines and also traps water.This makes it very useful to prevent constipation. So, how we can get more fiber in our diet?That I should eat whole fruits with inedible.Eat a variety of whole vegetables or cooked or raw.In the case of use 100% whole grain, bread muffins breads or crackers English rather than the facts with white flour.That doesn’t sound much like us have always said?Eat fruits and vegetables if you want to read something more interesting I invite you to visit my page down the fat.

Natural Support

Herbal supplements can make a valuable contribution to the strengthening of the concentration. Lack of concentration and falling memory can have a number of causes. Age-related changes of the trigger are not always. This unpleasant errors caused by sustained levels of stress and high pressure. Just performance-oriented people are very often affected by concentration problems and weaknesses of memory. Overloading as the cause of lack of concentration tend to people with high motivation to demand is too much in the long term. Without the necessary balance and adequate regeneration can occur to overload, which just include concentration problems and difficulties with memory. The continuous retrieval of power prevents a corresponding recovery.

A vicious intensification often lead straight poor concentration in a vicious circle: the declining concentration and problems with the Memory increases the susceptibility of the person concerned. By the accumulation of failures in a competitive environment, the pressure continues to rise, there will be a reinforcement of existing problems. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get the situation back under control. Resources sufficient to regenerate and to restore mental focus must of all only the most relevant stress factors identified. These are at least temporarily to push back, to achieve a recovery and further measures put to. It will not always be possible to avoid these factors in the long term. Today, the typical performance-oriented work environment very limited admits a stress reduction by avoiding the external stress factors.

Even more important are actions that can be affected for improved handling of stress and enhancing their mental focus itself. The physical compensation represents one of the most important measures. The mental strain due to stress may up to a certain extent be offset by sport. Endurance sports such as running and swimming are particularly suitable for reducing stress. Sporting activities will strengthen not only the physical stamina and fitness, but also the resistance to stress-improved.

Medical Study

Obesity can reduce chances of pregnancy women who suffered from obesity in their youth, have to fight pounds when they have a fertility may even years later with the superfluous. As the private krankenversicherung.de insurance Portal reported, an American study now confirms the relationship between former obesity and fertility problems in adulthood. Shown in the study by Gabriella G. Rossmann and her team of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, especially the age is relevant, in which obesity has occurred. Obesity in adulthood affects as a result to a lesser extent on fertility, as obesity in youth. To read in the journal sterility and fertility”published study 1,538 women have participated. All had undergone a medical procedure against obesity in the past.

The average age of the women was 45 years. Also evaluated how many unsuccessful Pregnancy attempts in the past and how much was body weight in the 18th, 25th and 30th year of life. In the Centre of the study was the question of whether the women the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCO) could be diagnosed. This syndrome occurs more frequently in obese women than in normal-weight. Through these hormonal disorder, women develop too many and too small follicles, which can not be fertilized. More information are available from the health insurance companies. As a result, the study showed that the Polycystic OVARY syndrome among those women was the most represented, who suffered from juvenile obesity.