The Medicines

It is important to be capable to differentiate between the normal and abnormal alterations in the people aged as well as educating the patient and family on these differences. Ausiello (2005) emphasizes that the state of health in the aged one is the result of many factors also the chronic illnesses of the aging. The falls that occur in one tero of the aged ones result in damages, breakings and high serious cognitivo risk. According to related mortality in aged it seems to be resulted of multiple contributing causes, exactly that a cause can be primary. It is verified that some types of health indices contribute as characteristic sociodemogrficas, habits of health, factors of risk, subclnicos clinical illnesses and, disability and cognitivo comprometimento. Fragility is found in aged a, which is considered as a debilitating syndrome that presents some symptoms and signals, also reduced muscular mass, loss of weight weakness, tolerance to the unsatisfactory exercise, low physical activity, reduced motor performance (AUSIELLO, 2005). Ausiello (2005) tells despite the fragility is a state of diminished reserve and absented vulnerability. The fragility syndrome is associated with risk of fall and necessity of hospitalization, incapacity and mortality.

The loss of associated muscular mass to the aging which occurs in 13, 24% of 65 people of a70 years of age and in 60% in 80 years of age. The domiciliary therapy can increase aged the lean corporal mass and the same force in the more fragile these evidences suggests that initial periods of training of fragilities can be attenuated the fragility of periods of training even so final probably are a death omen. The preventive cares of health are efficient in aged and the attention on the practical clinics and physical habits of health since immunization until activity (AUSIELLO, 2005). Ausiello (2005) in its literature tells that the alterations associates to the age in the health and the illness are the result of variations in the alterations physiological latent that occur with the 5 age, presences of other illnesses and clinical conditions that if develop in elapsing of the times, genetic predisposition, for another illness factors of style of life, diet exercise, exposition the medicines and toxins, clinical entisica variety, illnesses and conditions.